The Parish will observe the federal Martin Luther King Birthday holiday on Monday, January 16. Our only Mass that day will be celebrated at 11:30 AM. The Parish Office will re-open at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, January 17.
Following the *NEW* Montgomery County guideline Masks will be required indoors. Ministers of Holy Communion will resume wearing masks. Thank you for your continued patience, generosity, and prayer as we implement these changes.
State-mandated COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted in Maryland on Thursday, July 1. In keeping with this change, we will phase out our restrictions at St. E's as follows: Ministers of Holy Communion will no longer wear masks. Instead of hand gel dispensers on tables at each communion station, Ministers of Holy Communion will use sanitizing towelettes to purify fingers when contamination is suspected. Two Communion lines will resume in the center aisle at all Masses and in the side aisles as needed. On Saturday, July 24th, congregational singing will resume at Masses for Sunday (except 7:30 a.m.) and the Commons will become a designated no-singing area during Mass. Offertory collections will continue this summer via stationary baskets at the main entrance of the church. Thank you for your continued patience, generosity, and prayer as we implement these changes.
In accordance with the new Montgomery County and Archdiocese of Washington policies, beginning Friday, May 28th, masks and social distancing will be optional at St. Elizabeth Church. Please keep in mind that until our pews are reinstalled in late June, the layout of our seating ensures a degree of social distancing. Ministers of Holy Communion will continue to wear masks and use hand sanitizer in this new phase. Please pray that we may implement these changes with kindness and patience.
St. E’s priests will never, under any circumstances, ask you via email or text to purchase gift cards or wire money. Any such request is fraudulent and should be deleted immediately. Phishing scams targeting churches in this way have become increasingly common in recent months. Most of these emails will say something like "I have a favor to ask" and proceed to ask you to purchase gift cards or wire money. We recommend you report such emails as phishing scams to your email provider and block the number for texts. Please feel free to call the parish office to validate the authenticity of any suspicious email or text claiming to be from our priests or staff.
For over 30 years at St. E’s, the business that supported our annual Christmas tree sale was owned and operated by Burt Kaplan. He was well known and much loved by many members of our St. E’s family. Burt’s family recently informed us that he passed away peacefully in his sleep at his home surrounded by loved ones Tuesday, January 12, 2021, after a courageous battle with ALS. Please pray for the repose of Burt’s soul and for his family.
Annual Thanksgiving Food Collection During these unprecedented times it is important to give thanks for the blessings we have received and to share with those who are less fortunate. The annual Thanksgiving food collection will be held on Sunday, November 22nd, and we hope to provide 110 dinners to those in need in the Rockville area again this year. The list of foods can be found on the parish website.
Please click the link to see the state of our parish overview from Msgr. Bill Parent. This letter is also being mailed to all St. Elizabeth's registered households.
Get your tickets/sign up for Mass during the weekend of June 28th, 2020 by going to this link Please review our reopening procedures on our Youtube Channel
We are reopening this weekend June 20/21st. We have a ticketing system for Mass, please click the title to learn more about our reopening procedure and to acquire a ticket for Mass.