Our ministry is dedicated to the protection of human life, from conception to natural death. As Catholics, we believe that every human person is made in the image and likeness of God. Every human life is therefore sacred and inviolable and should be protected and cherished from conception until natural death. Practices such as abortion, assisted suicide, and capital punishment violate the dignity of the human person and must be rejected. The Church defends and supports human life through life-affirming initiatives which include assistance for expectant mothers and families, tangible resources and medical care, mental health counseling, and support for persons with disabilities and their families. Please see Links & Resources below to learn more.
If you want to get involved in shaping pro-life efforts at St. Elizabeth, please join us at an upcoming meeting. Stay tuned for our next meeting date in February - TBA! For reference, our January theme was The Meaning of Sanctity and how the Bible informs us about the sanctity of life, including care for the unborn, the elderly, people with disabilities, the homeless, and the poor.
Sample Bible Verses related to Sanctity of Life:
Come be a part of shaping the work of our ministry in the coming months! Questions? Contact Michele Forsythe at [email protected].